December 9, 2024

A while back we received a “complaint” where an older gentleman contacted us and asked, “Why do you make so many weird/odd calibers no one ever heard of, instead of the “normal, common” calibers?”
Here at Peterson Cartridge, we do a good business in “competition” calibers like those used for Precision Rifle Series (PRS), Extreme Long Range (ELR), Bench Rest competitions, F-Class competitions, etc. Towards that end, we produce:
6 x 47 Lapua 6 XC 6 Creedmoor
6mm BR Norma 6.5 x 47 Lapua 6.5 Creedmoor
7mm BR Rem .284 Win .300 Norma Mag
33 XC .338 Norma Mag .338 Lapua Mag
I think by, “weird/odd calibers no one ever heard of” he was referring to ones like those.
For the hunters though, we do make:
.22 Creedmoor .243 Win .25 Creedmoor
.260 Rem .270 Win .280 Rem
.280 Ack Imp 28 Nosler 7mm-08
.308 Win 7.62 x 54R 30 Nosler
And now we have added .30-06 Springfield.
Buy the .30-06 Springfield
Regardless of the final use of our casings, hunting, target, or competition, each and every Peterson casing is built to match-grade specifications. This is one of the reasons why we offer some of our calibers, like .243, .260, 6.5 Creedmoor, and .308, in small rifle primer pocket size (SRP) for shooters who use these “hunting” calibers in competition. But, for you hunters who need dependable primer ignition in low temperature conditions, we also offer these with large rifle primer pockets (LRP).
Of historical interest, the .30-06 Springfield was the nation’s first 1,000-yard competition caliber. But today it is more thought of as simply one of the most popular sporting cartridges in the world. From woodchuck, to deer, to bear, the 30-06 Sprg has you covered.
Another driver behind us coming out with the .30-06 Sprg is that we have a customer who loads .30-06 blanks – like they use at military funerals or in movies. To make casings that can be used to form “blank” rounds the necks need to be much longer than what is used for a normal round. This is why we also now offer .30-06 Sprg casings which can be used to make .30-06 blanks.

About Peterson Cartridge
Peterson Cartridge is a family-owned, American manufacturer of match-grade, brass rifle casings and loaded ammunition that is among the most precise and consistent on the market, delivering discerning long-distance shooters sub-MOA accuracy. For more information on Peterson Cartridge or to purchase its match-grade brass casings, or loaded ammunition, visit
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