Peterson Cartridge Introduces 6.5-300 Weatherby Mag

Pittsburgh, PA (April 10, 2021) – Peterson Cartridge Co. of Pittsburgh, PA today announced the addition of 6.5-300 Weatherby to its growing family of rifle casing calibers.

Many people remember Roy Weatherby as the high priest of high velocity. He created new calibers that were the fastest on the market. Toward that end, he made a number of modifications to the traditional belted magnum casings of the day to achieve that goal. 

However, according to Derek Peterson, the president and lead caliber developer at Peterson Cartridge, “I suspect that some of the adaptations Roy Weatherby made were simply to cause his casings to be more difficult for his competitors to manufacture. And to that end Roy was successful – really successful.”

65-300-WeatherbyPeterson continued, “Over the years, in addition to creating tool packs for traditional bottlenecked calibers, PCC has also created tool packs for calibers that are rimmed and others that are belted. We’ve created tool packs for calibers that have a rebated head. Each of those different features produce their own challenges for caliber design engineers, and manufacturing engineers. But the bundle of different features Roy incorporated into his Weatherby calibers had us up against our ceiling of skill and knowledge.
  • The belt is different than the belt of other belted magnums.
  • Producing the double radius shoulder proved to be a real brain teaser.
  • And most of the tolerances are half of those of other belted magnums.
“But in the end, we solved each and every problem, and we are now producing 6.5-300 Wby casings, Peterson said. “We’ve run them through all our tests and quality checks; and believe them to be excellent 6.5-300s. This is the first of the Weatherby calibers we will be coming out with. Let me know what you think of them.”

About Peterson Cartridge

Peterson Cartridge is a family-owned, American manufacturer of match-grade, brass rifle casings and loaded ammunition that is among the most precise and consistent on the market, delivering discerning long-distance shooters sub-MOA accuracy. For more information on Peterson Cartridge or to purchase its match-grade brass casings, or loaded ammunition, visit 


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