Peterson Cartridge Introduces 33 Nosler

Pittsburgh, PA (June 2021) – Peterson Cartridge Co. of Pittsburgh, PA announces the addition of 33 Nosler to its growing family of rifle casing calibers.

Introduced in 2017 as the fourth in a family of new cartridges from Nosler, the 33 Nosler features a 35-degree shoulder and a beltless design for ease of reloading.  The 33 Nosler can launch a 225-grain bullet in excess of 3,000 FPS, while using less powder than a .338 Lapua.  Designed with the big game hunter in mind, the 33 Nosler shines when coupled with modern long-range hunting bullets, eclipsing the .338 Winchester magnum by several hundred FPS in most loadings. 

Derek Peterson, president of Peterson Cartridge states, “We have been going down the lineup and developing tooling for the Nosler family of cartridges, and having done the 26, 27, 28 and 30, the 33 was next.  Elk hunters who load their own ammo can benefit from our consistent internal volume and longer case life.” Peterson continues, “We wanted to provide big game hunters with the same level of quality casings that our customers in the long-range competition communities are used to, and these are no exception.”  

About Peterson Cartridge

Peterson Cartridge is a family-owned, American manufacturer of match-grade, brass rifle casings and loaded ammunition that is among the most precise and consistent on the market, delivering discerning long-distance shooters sub-MOA accuracy. For more information on Peterson Cartridge or to purchase its match-grade brass casings, or loaded ammunition, visit 


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